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    Congratulations to YWIES Beijing’s Junior Engineer’s for Winning the "Future City" National Second Prize in their first Competition!

    School News

    11 Sep, 2023

    16 : 28

    • The young engineers from YWIES Beijing participated in the competition for the first time and brought their unlimited imagination and exploration of the "Age-Friendly City" after 100 years. They won the national second prize for team comprehensive projects with their creative and humane urban design named "Starstopia". They also received the official certification of the first batch of "Future City Three-Star Club" in the country and the only one in Beijing!


      As one of the most influential STEAM education programs in the United States, Future City is not just an exhibition activity, but also represents a new educational model and concept. By participating in the Future City project, students learn problem-solving thinking, project management skills, and engineering design methods. These skills will equip them with greater power to face the challenges of future work and studies.


      Future City is an interdisciplinary project that is open, inclusive, diverse, and connected to the real urban environment, making it uniquely attractive and engaging for every student.


      The 2023 Future City summer exhibition took place in Xiamen. Over 200 young engineers, more than 100 teachers and parents from 14 cities across the country participated in this collaborative event. 34 amazing Future Cities were presented in this exhibition.


      We will provide a detailed introduction to the projects and creative processes of our students in another article soon later. We will comprehensively present their efforts and achievements in the "Future City" project, as well as share their stories, experiences, and gains. Please stay tuned! Let us witness the wonderful performance of these young engineers together! Meanwhile, we hope that more Yao Hua students can join the "Future City" project and explore, innovate and practice with young engineers from all over the country.

    • 耀华北京校区小工程师们的星耀缘城
    • 耀华北京校区斩获“未来之城”全国二等奖